2月16日(星期日):家教會親子電影欣賞日將於當天舉行,翌日 2 月 17 日(星期一)為學校補假。學生不用回校上課,請家長留意。
如學生在2024年7月1日至2024年12月31日曾自行報名參加校外比賽,並獲得獎項,例如:前三名/冠、亞、季軍/金、銀、銅獎/一、二、三等獎等,家長可於1月17日(五)前填寫Google Form資料, 第二期收集資料將會在2025年5-6月進行。
The school will regularly collect the records of students' extracurricular competitions (Parents register for the competition on their own) and record them in the school's Record of Awards for recognition.
If students have registered for external competitions from 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024 and won awards, such as Top 3 / Champion and Runner-up / Gold, Silver and Bronze / 1st, 2nd ,3rd Prize, etc., parents can fill in the Google Form information before 17 January (Friday), and the second phase of data collection will be conducted in May to June.
When filling out this form, students must have received their awards. If you have only received a notification of the award, please wait until you have collected the award before filling out the form.
If you need to submit more than one record, please log in again and fill out the next competition record after submitting the first form.
Parents can also download the form from the school website, fill it out, and submit it to the school office for forwarding to Ms. P.M Lam.
【Student Extracurricular Competition Record Form】
If the competition that the student participates in is recommended by the school, you do not need to fill in the form, the school will enter it.
If parents have any questions about the record form, please contact Ms. P.M. Lam.