
Registration for Primary One Discretionary Places Admission

日期:2024年 11月20日 及 21日
時間:上午9:00 至 中午12:00;下午2:00 至4:00

1.小一入學申請表 (家長副本 – 黃色存根)

倘若家長/監護人未能提供小一入學申請表 (家長副本 – 黃色存根),則必須提供申請學生之出生證明文件(正本),才可辦理註冊手續。

2.家長 / 監護人*(「小一入學申請表(乙部)」所填寫之監護人) 身份證或其他身份證明文件

如家長委託他人辦理註冊手續,代辦人必須出示有效之授權書及家長/監護人*(「小一入學申請表(乙部)」所填寫之監護人) 身份證明文件的影印本,本校方會受理。

  1. 如正取生未能在指定限期內辦理註冊手續,則將被當作放棄自行分配學位論。學位將由備取生填補。
  2. 家長/監護人若因要事或交通情況影響,未能在上述指定期間辦理註冊手續,請於11月21日下午4:00或之前致電2334 3673與校務處職員聯絡,以便作出適當安排,否則將被視作放棄該學位論。
  3. 如果你的子女未能在現階段獲得一個自行分配學位,教育局將會在 2025年1月上旬以書面通知你前往指定的統一派位中心,辦理統一派位選擇學校手續。已登記成為「小一人學電子平台」(epoa.edb.gov.bk)用戶及以「智方便+」綁定帳戶的家長,亦可選擇以電子方式遞交選校表格,詳情將於稍後公布。每名兒童將由教育局盡量依據家長選擇的意願統一派位。
Date :20 or 21 November 2024
Time:9:00am – 12:00noon / 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Place:General Office(1/F)
Documents required for registration, please bring along:

1. The parent’s copy (Yellow Form) of the Application Form for Admission to Primary One (2025)

2. The parent / guardian’s Identity Card

For register with the allocated school by authorization, the authorized representative must present the authorization letter (completed and signed by authorizer), the authorizer’s copy of Hong Kong identity card and the authorized representative’s Hong Kong identity card.


Notice / Important declaration:

  1. Failure to register with the school within the specified period would lead to forfeiture of the discretionary place offered to the successful applicant children, that such vacancies will be offered to waitlisted applicant children.
  2.  If parent / guardian who cannot register their child with the school on the above dates due to matters of grave importance, please contact the school office staff (Tel: 2334 3673) on or before 4:00 pm on November 21 to make appropriate arrangements; otherwise, that would be deemed to have given up the school place allocated.
  3. If your child has not been offered a Primary 1 discretionary place at the present stage, you will be informed by the Education Bureau in early January 2025 in writing to go to a designated Central Allocation Centre to make your choices of schools for Central Allocation. If you have registered as ePOA users and bind your account to “iAM Smart+”, you may also choose to submit the Choice Form through electronic means. Further details will be announced in due course. Each child will be allocated a Primary 1 place according to parental choice as far as possible.